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Vintage Cafe: Victory Garden Presentation In-Person
Learn about the history of Victory Gardens and how to plant them! Join us on Tuesday, March 11th from 10 AM - 11 AM for Vintage Cafe: Victory Gardens with the Sunnyside Master Gardeners. The Sunnyside Master Gardener Seed Saving Committee will talk about the history of Victory Gardens, how to plant and maintain a Victory Garden, vegetables suitable for a Victory Garden, saving seeds from the Victory Garden, and any questions participants may have.
In the past few years, victory gardening has seen a dramatic resurgence as more people have discovered the practical benefits of growing their own food. Victory gardens were vegetable gardens planted during the world wars in order to ensure an adequate food supply for civilians and troops.
First promoted during World War I through colorful posters, victory gardens provided American citizens an opportunity to assist with the war effort. Americans were encouraged to produce their own food, planting vegetable gardens in their backyards, church yards, city parks, and playgrounds.
Find out what’s planted in a victory garden and how to start a victory garden in modern times!
Light breakfast and refreshments will be provided.