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Make an Appointment - Digital Navigator

Make an appointment in 3 steps. Step 1: Select a staff member. Step 2: Select an available date. Step 3: Select an available timeslot.

Digital Navigators are library staff members who strive to help community members with their technology needs by providing personalized one-on-one training, assistance, and advice.


Topics a Navigator can help you with: 

  • Computer/Device Skills

  • Internet Skills

  • Internet Privacy & Security

  • Library Services

  • Workforce Development/Job Skills

  • Business/Productivity Applications

  • Entertainment, Shopping, and Social Apps

* Navigators are not permitted to provide hardware maintenance, cellular service setup, legal or financial advice, web/graphic design, document transcription

Each appointment with a Digital Navigator is booked for 1 hour. To book an appointment, please select a start time that works for you and fill out the form. Please be detailed! The information you share helps us prepare a session that is specific to you!